Episode 38: Frank “Moleman” Meyer

Moles are defined by Webster’s Dictionary as one of three things:

  1. A small burrowing insectivorous mammal with dark velvety fur, a long muzzle, and very small eyes.
  2. A small, often slightly raised blemish on the skin made dark by a high concentration of melanin.
  3. A spy who achieves over a long period an important position within the security defenses of a country.

Our special guest on this episode of Pitch Hunt doesn’t neatly fit under any one of those categories. He is, in fact, a human person. Frank Meyer, to be specific. Longtime friend of the show, and longer time friend of the hosts, Frank has patiently waited for well over a year for an opportunity to join the podcast as a special guest after being promised a spot by a host who will remain nameless. Surprising absolutely nobody, his pitch elevated the podcast to new heights, and it is with our deepest pleasure that we share the experience with everyone in listener land.